"Maré de Ciência" Project
Project with young people of Sines and Santiago do Cacém Municipalities in Portugal
Literally translated to "Tide of Science", Cartas com Ciência's project "Maré de Ciência" implemented two lasting letter exchange programmes in Agrupamento de Escolas de Santo André and Associação Caboverdiana de Sines e Santiago do Cacém throughout the 2023/2024 school year. This project won (3rd place) the 1st edition of GAMMA Community Platform.
For 18 of the 22 children that participated, it was the first time they met a scientist!
Student's Feedback
"I hope our next letter is as cool as this one"
"I joined this project with the aim of learning new things (...) I've already learnt a few things and I'm curious to learn more.”
"I did some research and thought it was super interesting how an experiment could be so simple.”
"It was a new and very fun activity that made me more interested to study about the theme, and I am very lazy. I loved it and would repeat.”
3 Rounds of Letter Exchanges
Students at the second Letter Opening Party, which included a videoconference with scientists (Portugal, February 2024)
Students open their letters at the first Letter Opening Party (Portugal, December 2023)
Students open their letters at the third Letter Opening Party (Portugal, April 2024)
Session in colaboration with "Fala-me Neuro" ("Talk me Neuro")
Final Event
in Portuguese
Rádio Miróbriga | Projeto "Cartas com Ciência" abrange 22 alunos dos concelhos de Sines e Santiago do Cacém
Jornal O Leme | Alunos de Sines e Santiago do Cacém aderem ao programa "Cartas com Ciência"
Jornal Sudoeste | "Cartas com Ciência' em Santo André e em Sines
O Setubalense | 'Cartas com Ciência' já conta com mais de 800 cientistas e 580 estudantes
Rádio Sines | Projetos vencedores do Programa Comunitário Gamma foram hoje conhecidos
Revista do Empreendedor | Plataforma Gamma premeia projetos comunitários
Jornal Sudoeste | Projetos sociais apoiados
Maré de Ciência
Sónia Manzoni
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